CSBF: A static ensemble fusion method based on the centrality score of complex networks

CSBF: A static ensemble fusion method based on the centrality score of complex networks

Silva, Ronan Assumpção and Britto, Alceu de Souza and Enembreck, Fabricio and Sabourin, Robert and de Oliveira, Luiz E.S.

Computational Intelligence 2020

Abstract : Ensemble of classifiers can improve classification accuracy by combining several models. The fusion method plays an important role in the ensemble performance. Usually, a criterion for weighting the decision of each ensemble member is adopted. Frequently, this can be done using some heuristic based on accuracy or confidence. Then, the used fusion rule must consider the established criterion for providing a most reliable ensemble output through a kind of competition among the ensemble members. This article presents a new ensemble fusion method, named centrality score-based fusion, which uses the centrality concept in the context of social network analysis (SNA) as a criterion for the ensemble decision. Centrality measures have been applied in the SNA to measure the importance of each person inside of a social network, taking into account the relationship of each person with all others. Thus, the idea is to derive the classifier weight considering the overall classifier prominence inside the ensemble network, which reflects the relationships among pairs of classifiers. We hypothesized that the prominent position of a classifier based on its pairwise relationship with the other ensemble members could be its weight in the fusion process. A robust experimental protocol has confirmed that centrality measures represent a promising strategy to weight the classifiers of an ensemble, showing that the proposed fusion method performed well against the literature.