Deep learning in object detection

Deep learning in object detection

Pang, Yanwei and Cao, Jiale

Deep Learning in Object Detection and Recognition 2019

Abstract : Object detection is an important research area in image processing and computer vision. The performance of object detection has significantly improved through applying deep learning technology. Among these methods, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods are most frequently used. CNN methods mainly include two classes: two-stage methods and one-stage methods. This chapter firstly introduces some typical CNN-based architectures in details. After that, pedestrian detection, as a classical subset of object detection, is further introduced. According to whether CNN is used or not, pedestrian detection can be divided into two types: handcrafted feature-based methods and CNN-based methods. Among these methods, NNNF (non-neighboring and neighboring features) inspired by pedestrian attributes (i.e., appearance constancy and shape symmetry) and MCF based on handcrafted channels and each layer of CNN are specifically illustrated. Finally, some challenges of object detection (i.e., scale variation, occlusion, and deformation) will be discussed.