Off-line signature verification using HMM for Random, simple and skilled forgeries

Off-line signature verification using HMM for Random, simple and skilled forgeries

Justino, Edson J.R. and Bortolozzi, Flávio and Sabourin, Robert

Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 2001

Abstract : The problem of signature verification is in theory a pattern recognition task used to discriminate two classes, original and forgery signatures. Even after many efforts in order to develop new verification techniques for static signature verification, the influence of the forgery types has not been extensively studied. This paper reports the contribution to signature verification considering different forgery types in an HMM framework. The experiments have shown that the error rates of the simple and random forgery signatures are very closed. This reflects the real applications in which the simple forgeries represent the principal fraudulent case. In addition, the experiments show promising results in skilled forgery verification by using simple static and pseudodinamic features.