Cost optimization of blockchain technology-enabled supply chain system using evolutionary computation approaches: A healthcare case study

Cost optimization of blockchain technology-enabled supply chain…

Ultrasonic imaging using conditional generative adversarial networks

Ultrasonic imaging using conditional generative adversarial networks…

Smartphone integration of artificial intelligence for automated plagiocephaly diagnosis

Smartphone integration of artificial intelligence for automated…

Privacy-cost management in smart meters with mutual-information-based reinforcement learning

Privacy-cost management in smart meters with mutual-information-based…

Modeling of the sintered density in Cu-Al alloy using machine learning approaches

Modeling of the sintered density in Cu-Al alloy using machine…

On the evaluation of the carbon dioxide solubility in polymers using gene expression programming

On the evaluation of the carbon dioxide solubility in polymers…

GNN-DES: A new end-to-end dynamic ensemble selection method based on multi-label graph neural network

GNN-DES: A new end-to-end dynamic ensemble selection method based…

Negative evidence matters in interpretable histology image classification

Negative evidence matters in interpretable histology image classification…

Cascaded zoom-in detector for high resolution aerial images

Cascaded zoom-in detector for high resolution aerial images Meethal,…

Privileged knowledge distillation for dimensional emotion recognition in the wild

Privileged knowledge distillation for dimensional emotion recognition…

GNN-DES: A new end-to-end dynamic ensemble selection method based on multi-label graph neural network

GNN-DES: A new end-to-end dynamic ensemble selection method based…

Distance functions and normalization under stream scenarios

Distance functions and normalization under stream scenarios Barboza,…

[Seminar] Generative models as queryable world models

The next LIVIA seminar will be held on Thursday, November 30…

[Seminar] Hallucinating RGB Modality for Person Detection Through Privileged Information

The next LIVIA seminar will be held on Thursday, November 23…

Cost optimization of blockchain technology-enabled supply chain system using evolutionary computation approaches: A healthcare case study

Cost optimization of blockchain technology-enabled supply chain…

Ultrasonic imaging using conditional generative adversarial networks

Ultrasonic imaging using conditional generative adversarial networks…

Smartphone integration of artificial intelligence for automated plagiocephaly diagnosis

Smartphone integration of artificial intelligence for automated…

Privacy-cost management in smart meters with mutual-information-based reinforcement learning

Privacy-cost management in smart meters with mutual-information-based…

Modeling of the sintered density in Cu-Al alloy using machine learning approaches

Modeling of the sintered density in Cu-Al alloy using machine…

On the evaluation of the carbon dioxide solubility in polymers using gene expression programming

On the evaluation of the carbon dioxide solubility in polymers…

GNN-DES: A new end-to-end dynamic ensemble selection method based on multi-label graph neural network

GNN-DES: A new end-to-end dynamic ensemble selection method based…

Negative evidence matters in interpretable histology image classification

Negative evidence matters in interpretable histology image classification…

Cascaded zoom-in detector for high resolution aerial images

Cascaded zoom-in detector for high resolution aerial images Meethal,…

Privileged knowledge distillation for dimensional emotion recognition in the wild

Privileged knowledge distillation for dimensional emotion recognition…


[Seminar] Generative models as queryable world models

Le prochain séminaire LIVIA se tiendra le jeudi 30 novembre à 12h00 en mode hybride. Titre : Les modèles génératifs comme modèles mondiaux interrogeables par Adriana Romero-Soriano, Meta AI (FAIR), Université McGill Résumé : Au cours de la dernière décennie, la norme de facto pour la formation de modèles d'apprentissage de représentations hautement performants s'est fortement appuyée sur des ensembles de données statiques à grande échelle explorés [ …]

[Seminar] Hallucinating RGB Modality for Person Detection Through Privileged Information

Le prochain séminaire LIVIA se tiendra le jeudi 23 novembre à 12h00 en mode hybride. Titre : HalluciDet : Modalité RVB hallucinante pour la détection de personnes grâce à des informations privilégiées par Heitor Rapela Medeiros, doctorant, LIVIA-ETS Résumé : La traduction d'images est un moyen puissant d'adapter un modèle de reconnaissance visuelle à un nouveau domaine. Cependant, les approches courantes de traduction d'images se concentrent uniquement sur […]


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