+ Original articles in refereed journals and books chapters

«Predicting Regional Locust Swarm Distribution with Recurrent Neural Networks»

Samil, HMOA and Martin, A and Jain, A K and Amin, S and …”

arXiv preprint arXiv łdots 2020.

«Keep Drawing It : Iterative language-based image generation and editing»

El-nouby, Alaaeldin and Sharma, Shikhar and Schulz, Hannes and Hjelm, Devon and Asri, Layla El and Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi and Bengio, Yoshua and Taylor, Graham W.”

NIPS 2018 Workshop on ViGIL 2018.

«Do deep convolutional nets really need to be deep and convolutional?»

Urban, Gregor and Geras, Krzysztof J. and Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi and Aslan, Ozlem and Wang, Shengjie and Mohamed, Abdelrahman and Philipose, Matthai and Richardson, Matt and Caruana, Rich”


«ExtremeWeather: A large-scale climate dataset for semi-supervised detection, localization, and understanding of extreme weather events»

Racah, Evan and Beckham, Christopher and Maharaj, Tegan and Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi and Prabhat and Pal, Christopher”

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2017.

«Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions. arXiv e-prints, abs/1605.02688»

Al-Rfou, Rami and Alain, Guillaume and Almahairi, Amjad and Angermueller, Christof and Bahdanau, Dzmitry and Ballas, N and Bastien, F and Bayer, J and Belikov, A and Belopolsky, A and Others”

URL http://arxiv. org/abs/1605.02688 2016.


Kahou, S E and Michalski, V and …”

łdots WITH DEEP NEURAL łdots 2016.

«EmoNets: Multimodal deep learning approaches for emotion recognition in video»

Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi and Bouthillier, Xavier and Lamblin, Pascal and Gulcehre, Caglar and Michalski, Vincent and Konda, Kishore and Jean, Sébastien and Froumenty, Pierre and Dauphin, Yann and Boulanger-Lewandowski, Nicolas and Chandias Ferrari, Raul and Mirza, Mehdi and Warde-Farley, David and Courville, Aaron and Vincent, Pascal and Memisevic, Roland and Pal, Christopher and Bengio, Yoshua”

Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 2016.

«Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions. arXiv e-prints, abs/1605.02688»

Al-Rfou, Rami and Alain, Guillaume and Almahairi, Amjad and Angermueller, Christof and Bahdanau, Dzmitry and Ballas, N and Bastien, F and Bayer, J and Belikov, A and Belopolsky, A and Others”

URL http://arxiv. org/abs/1605.02688 2016.

«Facial expression analysis based on high dimensional binary features»

Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi and Froumenty, Pierre and Pal, Christopher”

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2015.

«Image compression: Comparative analysis of basic algorithms»

Sulema, Yevgeniya and Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi”

Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium, EWDTS’10 2010.