An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification: Part -II- evaluation of several multi-classifier combination strategies

An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification: Part -II- evaluation of several multi-classifier combination strategies

Sabourin, Robert and Genest, Ginette

Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR 1995

Abstract : In a real situation, the choice of the best representation R($γ$) for the implementation of a signature verification system able to cope with all types of handwriting is a very difficult task This study is original in that the design of the integrated classifiers E(x) is based on a large number of individual classifiers ek(x) (or signature representations R( y) in an attempt to overcome in some way the need for feature selection. In this paper, the authors present a first systematical evaluation of a multi-classifier-based approach for off-line signature verification. Two types of integrated classifiers based on kNN or minimum distance classifiers and 15 types of representation related to the ESC used as a shape factor have been evaluated using a signature database of800 images (20 writers x 40 signatures per writer) in the context of random forgeries.